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How to make an oval nail?

It may seem simple, but filing a nail of the desired shape is not always easy, especially when you want oval nails. This blog will tell you how to make an oval nail.


  • A nail file, quite simply!

The steps to make an oval nail:

  • On the side, start a little higher than the middle of the nail and make a quarter.
  • Make a circular movement of about 40° upwards, stopping at the very beginning of the top of the nail.
  • Repeat several times, always in the same direction, from bottom to top.
  • Repeat on the other side of the nail.
  • Round your angles to achieve the desired shape, starting at the top and stopping near the middle of the top of the nail.
  • Very lightly file the top of the nail to remove the sharp effect.

Now that you know how to make an oval nail, take action with your manicure sets! If you don’t have nail tools, you can visit our nail supply store.

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