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Pamper your feet

Dry feet is a phenomenon that can occur all year round. Just because we put our scandals away in the closet doesn't mean we have to forget those little feet that support us every day! Do you know how to pamper your feet? Just follow us! Dry feet can become a real problem if you don't pay attention to it. Indeed, the drying of the skin of the feet causes the appearance of unpleasant and painful roughness and calluses. How to overcome? The best remedy for dry feet and calluses is to moisturize your feet every day and exfoliate once a week. If you have a little time, I advise you to take a foot bath with your foot spa kit for 10 minutes in order to soften the skin well. Then, you ...

Nail fungus: the natural remedies that really work

Onychomycosis is an infection caused by fungi that gradually spread over the nail. Frequent, it is characterized by cracks, abnormal coloring and thickening of the nail. Find out what natural solutions to test to get rid of it! lemon juice The citric acid present in freshly squeezed lemon juice helps to stop the proliferation of germs causing foot mycosis. Using a clean cotton swab, apply pure lemon juice to the nail to be treated A trio of effective essential oils Palmarosa essential oil. This essential oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help treat nail fungus.Tea tree essential oil. Renowned against abscesses and other skin infections, tea tree essential ...

Beauty of the feet: the reflexes to adopt to keep pretty feet!

We often forget to pamper our feet with a pedicure kit, especially in winter. Yet winter is the season that hurts our feet the most. They locked in our shoes, suffering the cold so they require special attention to keep them beautiful and healthy. Here are some simple gestures to sublimate them on a daily basis! Daily hydration of the feet There are specific foot care products for this, which are often thicker and more nourishing than body creams, as our feet are often less nourished and more exposed to friction. You can favor the hydration of your feet, in the evening, at bedtime, and keep your feet on your feet in socks all night. Be careful, however, not to hydrate the ar...
